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The Kabbalistic Blueprint is not life advice, far from it.

It is a unique way of offering help.

This unique one-on-one counseling is a holistic application of Universal Kabbalah. It is designed to help you gracefully become aware of your habitual ways of being so that you can positively transform your life.

The Kabbalistic Counselor creates a neutral space to address the very source of the obstacle standing between you and your higher self.

This knowledge can be a catalyst for your own spiritual growth and can help your friends, spouse, children, family members, loved ones, and anyone else who may cross your path.

It is highly recommended and vital for anyone whose path it is to heal themselves truly, serve others, and uplift the world.


Self-understanding and awareness, healing your habits, aligning with your life purpose, and creating a solid platform for self-transformation.


60 minutes



The primary goal of the Kabbalistic Blueprint Consultation is to help you rise above the influences of the cosmos and take control over your own life.

This practical application of the vastness of Universal Kabbalah helps people to address specific situations in health, relationships, career, and spiritual growth. The Kabbalistic Holistic Counselor will help you to understand your Body of Pain, the limiting part of yourself that holds you back. The knowledge that you will gain will help you to learn more about yourself, how other people perceive you, your gifts and talents, and your weaknesses and strengths while learning how to align with your life’s purpose.

See What Our Best Clients Are Saying...

“I recently had the privilege of experiencing a Kabbalistic consultation that left me utterly amazed and profoundly grateful.

As someone who has always been intrigued by the mystical and spiritual dimensions of life, this consultation opened up new avenues of self-discovery and understanding that I had never thought possible.

What struck me most was how Kabbalistic Astrology seamlessly wove together the celestial energies and the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah to provide a unique and holistic perspective on my life path.

The practitioner skillfully interpreted the positions of celestial bodies in my birth chart, unraveling the layers of my personality, strengths, challenges, and the deeper spiritual lessons I'm here to learn. I’m forever grateful.”

Sharron T.

“The Kabbalistic consultation provided profound insights into my past, present, and future, bringing clarity to long-standing mysteries and leaving me with a renewed sense of purpose.

I appreciated the focus on empowerment, as the practitioner guided me in harnessing the energies from my chart for personal growth and spiritual evolution.

This transformative experience left me feeling more aligned with the universe and better equipped to navigate life's challenges.

I wholeheartedly recommend it to those seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and their life path—a unique blend of celestial wisdom and spiritual guidance with the potential to positively impact every aspect of life.”

Johanna L.